The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has had a presence in Yemen since 1994. IOM supports vulnerable groups throughout Yemen, including displaced people, conflict-affected communities and migrants. 

The Organization has well-established offices in Sana’a, Aden, Ma’rib and Al Makha in the west coast region.  

Now in its eighth year of conflict, Yemen continues to face one of the world’s most severe humanitarian crises. Rising humanitarian needs are driven by conflict, disease, a declining economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the breakdown of public institutions and services.  

The severity of suffering is expected to worsen across the country in 2022, particularly for the country’s 4.3 million internally displaced persons. IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix reported that nearly 160,000 people were displaced in 2021 alone, as hostilities escalated in Ma’rib and areas along Yemen’s west coast.  

Despite the current crisis, migrants continue to arrive in Yemen by boat from the Horn of Africa. Most intend to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to find work. IOM estimates that more than 190,000 migrants are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Tens of thousands have become stranded in Yemen and experience abuse and exploitation on their journeys. 

Last year, IOM’s lifesaving operations reached more than 7.5 million people with health care, clean water, safe sanitation, shelter, displacement camp management and protection support. This includes more than 780,000 people who benefited from the rehabilitation of schools, hospitals and water points.