
Authorities in Aden Gather to Chart Way Forward for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

The Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen convenes to discuss creating a comprehensive migration governance framework that emphasizes safe and regular migration. IOM 2023.

Aden – 20 representatives of the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen gathered yesterday (17th of October) in Yemen to discuss the potential for a cohesive migration governance framework that encourages safe, orderly and regular migration.

The informal workshop, hosted by the UN Network on Migration with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), aimed to discuss migration challenges, assess best practices from the region and implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) – a non-binding international agreement covering all dimensions of migration – which the Government of Yemen voted in favor of in 2018.

After more than eight years of conflict, Yemen continues to face one of world’s largest humanitarian crises with 21.6 million people in need of assistance in 2023. The humanitarian situation has triggered widespread food insecurity and destroyed public infrastructure, drastically reducing access to key public services.

Amidst this instability, migrants traveling from the Horn of Africa through Yemen to Gulf countries are among the most marginalized and vulnerable groups of people in need. Thousands have been left stranded across Yemen with limited options for safe movement. Many migrants face trafficking, torture, extortion, arbitrary arrests, xenophobia and other forms of inhumane treatment.

“Despite the difficulties brought on by conflict and insecurity in Yemen, it is crucial we focus on securing longer-term solutions for effective migration governance that benefits migrants and the host community,” said Matt Huber, Acting Chief of Mission for IOM Yemen.

The Head of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Ambassador Muthanna commented “The GCM provides a holistic framework that Yemen can utilize to assess its specific migration challenges and ways forward. Thanks to IOM, we look forward to actioning some of the ideas and next steps discussed today.”

The informal discussion was the first policy consultation for Yemen ahead of the second GCM Arab Regional Review which will take place next year in Cairo and will provide an opportunity for member states in the region to convene on migration policy issues within the framework of the GCM.

“In the future, we look forward to a framework that will enhance the rights of migrants and allow the benefits of migration to be harnessed,” added Huber.

IOM supports thousands of migrants each month in Yemen through its mobile responses and Migrant Response Points in Aden, Ma’rib and Sana’a where migrants can access safe, dignified and free protection and health services. The Organization also operates voluntary humanitarian return flights to assist migrants to safely return home.

For more information, please contact: IOM Yemen’s Communications Team at

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