IOM’s WASH interventions are immediate, scalable and sustainable. 

These interventions aim to reduce morbidity and mortality rates and provide equal and sustained access to safe and appropriate WASH services in displaced, host and migrant communities across Yemen.  

This support is adapted to meet the most critical needs of populations affected by emergencies and includes the provision of water trucking, rapid rehabilitation and establishment of water and sanitation infrastructure, short-term hygiene promotion campaigns and hygiene kit distributions. . 

WASH operations also ensure communities have sustained access to water by establishing or rehabilitating infrastructure for water supply, solid waste management and drainage. 

In addition, risk communication and community engagement ensures that communities have the information and tools necessary to protect themselves from water-borne diseases such as cholera and acute watery diarrhea, as well as COVID-19. 

In 2022, IOM reached more than 338,000 people in Yemen with water, sanitation and hygiene support.