IOM works to protect and promote the rights of all people on the move, including conflict and displacement-affected communities and migrants. It aims to strengthen access to protection services, pursue avenues for redress, and support affected communities in their own self-protection.

Recognizing that access to protection services remains extremely limited in Yemen, IOM seeks to bolster service provision, strengthen referral pathways and identify innovative and safe ways to support and work with community-based structures. 

The Organization adopts a comprehensive approach, mainstreaming protection across all multisectoral programming, and trains staff on safe identification and referral of protection cases.

IOM assists stranded migrants with safe, voluntary and dignified return from Yemen to their countries of origin should they wish to pursue this avenue, through its Voluntary Humanitarian Return programme. The Organization also assists refugees who wish to return home through the Assisted Spontaneous Return programme, in coordination with UNHCR.

In 2022, IOM reached nearly 76,000 migrants and other vulnerable populations with emergency assistance, healthcare, dedicated protection case management and referral support, and Voluntary Humanitarian Return.